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Research News Call For Articles


At Research News we are looking for evidence-based articles across the research and insights industry. It is an interesting time to be involved in the research and insights industry given the global shifts that are presently occuring on personal, social, political, spiritual, technological levels. Industry professionals have unprecedented opportunities to observe and track these shifts, to predict trends, to uncover the complexity of human behaviour, to evolve and innovate their practices and companies. We invite you to share your observations and experiences of uncovering insights that are evidence based and methodologically sound.

The Research Society is looking for evidence-based articles and this is your opportunity to contribute to the debate and share your research and ideas with your peers across on the following topic areas:

  • AI - AI will increase more (even explode) in importance this year - it's impact on your research/business
  • Communicating research (findings) – influencing, storytelling, data visualisation
  • Research impact – research impact/effectiveness, research for good, contribution to environmental sustainability
  • Research areas - new developments/innovation, cultural insight, CX, UX, experience research – and lots of other things
  • The business of research – research operations, scaling research etc
  • Running a (research) business/employing people – DEI, well-being, L & D, upskilling, recruiting, working from home/ return to office/ remote working challenges, preventing burnout
  • Data Quality - data privacy, online sample fraud, data integrity, combating new threats, the proliferation of data clutter
  • Metaverse (Research in the Metaverse) – case study / experience of doing research in the Metaverse
  • Diversity & inclusion - ensuring an inclusive research agenda - sexuality & gender representation, ethnic & racial representation, disability & neuro-diversity, hard to reach & vulnerable populations
  • Case studies - illustrating specific stories around delivering business insights

Research News Call For Articles

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Research Awards is the original token for appreciation and recognition towards the act of Excellency in various disciplines. We honor the excellent profiles either individual or institutional and let them cuff their own deserved titles what actually is deserved.


PO Box 97845 Some str. 567, Los Angeles, California, United States